Welcome to St Matthew's CE Primary School!
Dear Parents and Carers,
St Matthew’s is a small one form entry Church of England primary school of 210 children located in Ponders End, Enfield.
We are passionate about achieving the best for our children and endeavour to create a safe and happy place for them to learn in. We do fun activities but our learning is the most important thing to us.
Our Staff and Governors are devoted to raising standards and ensuring that each child's education is fulfilled to its maximum.
Rebecca Harris
"The school continues to be good" - Ofsted 2023
"All staff have high expectations for pupils' behaviour. As a result, pupils are polite and courteous. They display positive behaviour in classrooms and around the school. Pupils said that the school is a friendly place" - Ofsted 2018
"Pupils said that they feel safe in school and their parents confirmed this; Pupils described the school as being a caring school" - Ofsted 2018
"The quality of the wider curriculum enables pupils to develop a range of skills to make good progress and achieve well across a range of subjects" - Ofsted 2018
Headteacher: Rebecca Harris
Site Manager: Stephen Atsuvi
SENDCo/Inclusion Manager:
Sarah Tridgell
St Matthew's CE Primary School
South Street
0208 804 1666
School Contact:
Sue Michael, Office Manager
Email Us
A SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) is an inspection with the principal objective being to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of a Church school.
Our last inspection took place on 3rd December 2021 and the school was judged as good. You can find our full SIAMS inspection report below.