St Matthew's Church

St Matthew's Church
St Matthew’s is a Voluntary Aided Church of England School. This means that it is a part of the Christian Family of the Diocese of London, and receives support and resources from the London Diocesan Board of Schools, in addition to the support and resources that it receives, like every other school in the Borough, from the Local Education Authority.
In historical terms, St Matthew’s school owes its existence to that time before 1870 when virtually every school in the country was provided by the Church of England
More importantly, in local terms, the special nature of our school comes from the partnership between St Matthew’s Church and St Matthew’s School. So, the Parish Priests are often in school for assemblies and for sharing in Religious Education, and the school is often in Church, for worship and for learning experiences.
More recently, a growing use of the Church hall is becoming an important part of our partnership in helping our children to develop in all aspects of their lives.