School Lunches
Our school meals are provided by Aspens and are freshly cooked daily on the school premises. Below you will find a copy of our three weekly menu.
All children from Reception to Year 6, for this academic year 2023-24, will receive a Free School Meal thanks to a grant from the Lord Mayor. This has been extended and will run from September 2024 to July 2025.
Your child will receive their free school meal automatically, but it’s vitally important that you still complete the borough’s registration form in case your child is eligible for extra funding for our school..
For more information, please visit:
If you qualify for Free School Meals your child will continue to receive them in September 2025.
Packed Lunch
If your child has a packed lunch, please ensure that the food provided is healthy, well balanced and nutritious. No fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate bars are allowed.
If you are stuck for ideas on healthy eating, the following link has some great tips and advice: