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The Vision and Values of the school

Witnessing to Christ with our lives and our learning.

Such a large crowd of witnesses is all around us! So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won’t let go. And we must be determined to run the race that is ahead of us.  We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete.

Hebrews 12 v1-2


Our Christian Values: Forgiveness, Peace, Friendship, Truthfulness, Courage and Thankfulness.

At St Matthew’s we share a journey where the support and unity of everyone in the school community is paramount to achieving an environment where learning takes place without fear of making mistakes.

Within our Christian Vision, St Matthew’s CE Primary  School will provide high quality, creative and relevant learning opportunities where individual strengths are recognised and celebrated.

St Matthew’s nurtures mutual respect, confidence and high aspirations in a safe, secure and happy environment.

We will provide a creative curriculum which embraces opportunities to explore all learning styles incorporating the wider world.

Working together with the community, we will develop the interpersonal skills our children need to be successful in their future lives and embed an inquisitiveness to enable them to become life-long learners.


St Matthew’s is a caring and close knit school where people respect each other. Pupils, staff and parents have high expectations and our children are well supported through a range of strategies and interventions to help them achieve their very best. There are excellent relationships in the school and the close involvement of the church in our school further enhances the Christian character of the school.

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